Dear Praying and Supporting Friends, NEWS FROM BRAZIL We just finished elections here in Brazil. Sadly, a communist woman, by the name of Dilma, has become our next president. Please pray for all of the Brazilian Christians and churches to stand firm as a communist extremist takes over. Already there has been fallout. A pastor who openly preached against her party before the election has been forced to have the church start paying taxes. It is punishment for speaking against the government. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF PARQUE BRISTOL We just returned from camp. We were blessed to take 20 people to camp. It was a phenomenal time and many decisions were made. Bryan preached Saturday night and had 5 young men surrender to preach. Camp was a great time for our church as well. Our re-entry to the church has not been as smooth as we had hoped. Our time with the people at camp helped re-knit our hearts. FAMILY NEWS We are finally getting settled in our new home here. If you did not make note yet our new address it is Bryan Johnson Rua Mario Catelli, 83 JD. Santa Cruz 04194-140 Sao Paulo, S.P. Brazil, S.A. In His service, Bryan Johnson |