Ministry News
God has blessed our “homeschool helps school” We have added 2 more students. This brings us to a total of 6 children who come to our home to be taught. 3 of these students are homeschooled and 3 of them attend a public school and are being helped and strengthened in the faith through our ministry. Be in prayer for Rebekah and our Brazilian teacher, Julia. Teaching multiple grades in a small bedroom space can be tricky at times.
Family News
Lee has finished up his Senior year and is packing up to fly back to the states for Bible college. He is very excited to be going to college. Pray for us as we will be empty nesters within the month.
We will be in the states for 2 1/2 months starting mid-June. If any of you would like to have us in to report on our work we would love to share. You can contact us either through our Skype Bryan2brazil, e-mail [email protected] or by Magic Jack Number 317- 641- 6167 and we will schedule a time to be with you.
Prayer requests
We have been informed by the owner of the house we are renting that he wants to sell it ASAP. We need to find a new place to live. The owner offered for us to purchase the house we are in but he is asking far more than the house is worth and will not come down. The house is also in very bad shape and would not be worth fixing up.
We are praying that God would miraculously supply the money we would need to purchase a home big enough that we could expand our ministry in several ways. Pray that God would supply either another house to rent or the money to purchase a home.
Pray for our last son as he joins his brothers in Bible college.
Pray for God to keep our people faithful while we are in the states.
In His service,