Dear Praying and Supporting Friends,
Ministry News.
On May 7th the Compassion Baptist Church was started in the suburb of Sao Paulo, called Sao Caetano do Sul. God provided us with benches at no cost, as well as some chairs for the church. God blessed us with 22 people in attendance. God has been very good to us.
We just finished hosting the Compassion Campaign with Wings Bearing Precious Seed. 10 people came from across the United States with Bro. Allen Johnson to help us pass out over 25,000 John and Romans to the city of Sao Caetano do Sul. We had a conference on Saturday and Sunday, August 12, and 13th. We had 19 first time visitors and we were blessed with four people placing their trust in Christ. One of our visitors came when he found our John and Romans lying on the ground in the city. God can use anything. Pray for God to continue to bless the church through the seeds that were planted.
Family News
We were excited to have our middle son, David, come and visit us for the Compassion Campaign. He was a real blessing during the week. Jeff and David will be starting another year of Bible College in just a few days. We are pleased with God’s leading in their lives. Both boys are currently planning on returning to Brazil when they finish Bible College. Lee is beginning his Senior year. It is amazing how time flies. He has been a real blessing to us.
Rebekah is doing well. She has been kept very busy writing a curriculum for homeschoolers here in Brazil. Home schooling has been illegal for many years, but recently restrictions were lifted, and a growing number of Brazilians are choosing to home school. The biggest problem is a lack of material available. My wife is using her 21 years of teaching experience to help create a curriculum with the help of a Brazilian friend, Julia dos Santos. Julia is an education major and keeps us informed of the legal requirements for each year. Julia also helps with the Portuguese portion to be sure it is correct and complete. While writing the curriculum she is also teaching two children from our church. Their parents wanted to homeschool, but due to the lack of curriculum needed help. The children come to our house 3 days a week and then Rebekah sends home work for the mom to do with them the other 2 days. This way both the children and mom are all learning the techniques and methods used in homeschooling. Pray that God will give her wisdom as she writes. Each subject and level will include the plan of salvation so that if someone, not from a good church, were to buy it they would learn how to come to Christ. We are praying this will help impact Brazil for Christ.
In His Service,
Bryan, Rebekah, & Lee